
Steven Cooper《Circle》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

无名 2023-6-7 20:38:25 62
    One minute she's here next minute she's gone
    她 若即若离
    One minute she's here next minute she's gone
    她 忽远忽近
    Round and around and around we go
    Can't walk away stand right at this door
    我踱不开脚步 就等在门外
    Until you answer my call better pick up your phone
    等你接起电话 你最好接这个电话
    'Cause we're back in the zone you can hear it in my tone
    又回到这般境地 从我的语气中你也听出
    Why the sudden show and I know I'm missing it
    真突然 我明白了 我错过了
    Flipped to the ditch one minute you're into it
    真是阴沟里翻了船 你这样的决绝
    Next what's wrong now the feelings are all gone
    接下来呢 还会有什么不对 感觉也都荡然无存
    Can't keep figuring out what we go wrong
    我们之间 到底是什么出了错
    Move to the back cut loose on the track
    回头看看 总是逃跑 总是胡闹
    Act a fool then react like dudes on the map
    扮作一个情感白痴 其实是个大名鼎鼎的花花公子
    But who's had your back through the duels and the traps
    斗争 陷阱 是谁在为你保驾护航
    Stay cool why you wanna set rules then retract
    冷静点 为什么你总是出尔反尔 自己定的规矩 又要撤回
    You say you wanna change but it's always the same yo'
    你说你想要改变 到头来却总是一如既往
    Say you're not a player but it's always a game though
    你说你不是在游戏 可这终归就是一个游戏
    Coming back she hates to be alone
    她讨厌孤身一人 于是回来了
    But won't go together so around we go
    却都回不到从前了 我们兜兜转转
    I said around and around and around yeah we go
    我说 兜兜又转转 我们兜兜转转
    I said around and around and around yeah we go
    我说 兜兜又转转 我们兜兜转转
    I said around and around and around yeah we go
    我说 兜兜又转转 我们兜兜转转
    I said one minute she's here next minute she's gone
    我说 她若即若离 她忽远忽近
    Caught in your circle circle circle ah ah
    为你 我自投罗网 神魂颠倒
    Caught in your circle circle circle ah ah
    为你 我自投罗网 神魂颠倒
    Caught in your circle circle circle ah ah
    为你 我自投罗网 神魂颠倒
    Caught in your circle circle circle yeah
    为你 我自投罗网 神魂颠倒
    Listen babe
    听着 宝贝
    If you're not in it gotta let me know
    如果你不爱我了 请让我知道
    And if it's not forever gotta let this go
    如果这爱不是永远 那就放手吧
    She wanna be together but she doesn't get it I get it
    她想要厮守 但她不懂 我懂
    One minute she'll admit it then she's out again in a minute
    上一秒她还承认 下一秒就又反悔
    I'm feeling like I never get my feet on the ground
    这段感情里 她从没让我觉得踏实
    Because she's playing that down saying get out now
    她总是那么平静 说着让我滚出去
    So for crying out loud I'm crying out loud
    就放声大哭吧 我放声大哭
    You'll be back again later but what about now
    你总会回来的 那现在呢
    I said around and around and around yeah we go
    我说 兜兜又转转 我们兜兜转转
    I said around and around and around yeah we go
    我说 兜兜又转转 我们兜兜转转
    I said around and around and around yeah we go
    我说 兜兜又转转 我们兜兜转转
    I said one minute she's here next minute she's gone
    说 她若即若离 她忽远忽近
    One minute she's here next minute she's gone
    她若即若离 她忽远忽近
    Baby it's me forever
    宝贝 是我 永远都是我
    One minute she's here next minute she's gone
    她若即若离 她忽远忽近
    One minute she's here next minute she's gone
    她若即若离 她忽远忽近
    One minute she's here next minute she's gone
    她若即若离 她忽远忽近
    I said around and around and around yeah we go
    我说 兜兜又转转 我们兜兜转转
    I said around and around and around yeah we go
    我说 兜兜又转转 我们兜兜转转
    I said around and around and around yeah we go
    我说 兜兜又转转 我们兜兜转转
    I said one minute she's here next minute she's gone
    我说 她若即若离 她忽远忽近
    Caught in your circle circle circle ah ah
    为你 我自投罗网 神魂颠倒
    Caught in your circle circle circle ah ah
    为你 我自投罗网 神魂颠倒
    Caught in your circle circle circle ah ah
    为你 我自投罗网 神魂颠倒
    Caught in your circle circle circle
    她若即若离 她忽远忽近
    She's out the door


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