How long must I wait? 煎熬太久了 The hopes that I chase 是否已经太迟了 Whether it's too late 去追逐我的希望 If my bird has flown 是否我的青鸟 Away? 已经飞走 The dreamer you've been 曾经那个追梦的你 Your little girl has become 幼时誓下的话语 What should I do? 我该怎么办 Your plans fell through for you 所有计划都落空 But I must believe in myself 我必须相信自己 But I must believe in myself 必须相信自己 Don't say goodbye 还没到说再见的时候 Two birds are flying high 看那正在高飞的鸟儿 And I must leave on a wind only for a few 逆风飞翔 Dangerous and lonely times there may be 也许未来等着我的是荆棘和孤独 She's forever asking will she leave 迷惘不前 Is this what a dreamer should feel? 我不能就此止步 Just over those clouds 穿过厚厚的云层 A beauty awaits 沿途欣赏吧 Horizons and gates 飞过层层林立的高墙 To green fields old and new 飞过无边无际的田野 A taste of a life calling 人生如此 The smiles and their hands waving me in 我看到前方的光芒 Look down my precious town 照亮了我所守护的一切 Happiness begins for me now! 光明来临了 Happiness begins for me now! 已经来临了 don't say goodbye 不会说再见! I will fly much higher still 我会飞的更高 A taste of pride,Giving in's such a bitter pill 带着苦和痛骄傲的活下去 Even though there's much that I'll never know 即使前途未卜 Deep inside my heart these feelings grow 即使内心早已残破不堪 I'd rather not give up my dream 我也永不放弃我的梦 Don't say goodbye 不说再见 Are the clouds forever new? 世间万物都会是永恒吗 Inspiring me feather's can change from grey to blue 激励着我总有一天我会变成凤凰 Every second children are being born 每一秒的新生命 I can keep the world they enter warm and still 我都会将他们入怀 full of the spirit of dawn 给他们全部初熙的温暖