
Taylor Swift《If This Was a Movie》[FLAC/MP3-320K]

lee 2023-8-18 17:08:40 58
    Last night I heard my own heart beating
    昨天夜里 我听见自己心跳的声音
    Sounded like footsteps on my stairs
    Six months gone and I'm still reaching
    六个月过去了 我还在努力 企图抓住你的影子
    Even though I know you're not there
    即使我知道 你已经不在这里
    I was playing back a thousand memories baby
    亲爱的 过去那些片段在我脑海里反复的回放
    Thinkin' 'bout everything we've been through
    那些已经过去的 我们一起经历的一切
    Maybe I've been going back too much lately
    最近 我不断的往返于记忆之间
    When time stood still and I had you
    Come back come back come back to me like
    回来吧 回来吧 回到我的身边
    You would you would if this was a movie
    如果这是一部电影 你会
    Stand in the rain outside till I came out
    站在门外 即使是狂风暴雨 也一直等着我
    Come back come back come back to me like
    回来吧 回来吧 回到我的身边
    You could you could if you just said you're sorry
    如果 你说了你的对不起
    I know that we could work it out somehow
    我知道 我们一定可以找到继续走下去的路
    But if this was a movie you'd be here by now
    如果这是一部电影 你应该出现在这一幕里
    I know people change and these things happen
    我知道人会改变自己的想法 事情也在不断的发生
    But I remember how it was back then
    但是 记忆却如此清晰
    Wrapped up in your arms and our friends were laughing
    那时我的手臂紧锁着你的 我们的朋友都在嘲笑着 我们是如此甜蜜
    Cause nothing like this ever happened to them
    Now I'm pacing down the hall chasing down your street
    此时 我在走廊里奔跑着 追逐在那条有你的街道
    Flashback to the night when you said to me
    记忆回放着那个夜晚 你曾对我说
    Nothing's gonna change not for me and you
    没有事情会改变 我不会 你也不会
    Not before I knew how much I had to lose
    至少不会 在我明白我将会失去什么之前
    Come back come back come back to me like
    回来吧 回来吧 回到我的身边
    You would you would if this was a movie
    如果这是一部电影 你会
    Stand in the rain outside till I came out
    站在门外 即使是狂风暴雨 也一直等着我
    Come back come back come back to me like
    回来吧 回来吧 回到我的身边
    You could you could if you just said you're sorry
    I know that we could work it out somehow
    我知道 我们一定可以找到继续走下去的路
    But if this was a movie you'd be here by now
    如果这是一部电影 你应该出现在这一幕里
    If you're out there if you're somewhere if you're moving on
    那时我的手臂紧锁着你的 我们的朋友都在嘲笑着 我们是如此甜蜜
    I've been waiting for you ever since you've been gone
    我会一直在这里守候着 从你离开的那一刻起
    I just want it back the way it was before
    只是想要回 曾经的一切
    And I just want to see you back at my front door
    我只是想要 看见你再一次的出现在我的门前
    And I say come back come back come back to me like
    我会说 回来吧 回来吧 回到我的身边
    You would before you said it's not that easy
    Before the fight before I locked you out
    But I take it all back now
    Come back come back come back to me like
    回来吧 回来吧 回到我的身边
    You would you would if this was a movie
    如果这是一部电影 你会
    Stand in the rain outside till I came out
    站在门外 即使是狂风暴雨 也一直等着我
    Come back come back come back to me like
    回来吧 回来吧 回到我的身边
    You could you could if you just said you're sorry
    I know that we could work it out somehow
    我知道 我们一定可以找到继续走下去的路
    But if this was a movie you'd be here by now
    如果这是一部电影 你应该出现在这一幕里
    You'd be here by now
    It's not the kind of ending you want to see now
    这样的结局 不是你想象中的那一个吧
    Baby what about the ending
    亲爱的 关于那个结局
    Oh I thought you'd be here by now
    Thought you'd be here by now
    你会在我身边 在这电影落幕的时刻


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