I didn't think we find ourselves a day, yeah 我不确定从哪一天开始 Where do we go wrong? 变得一切都不对劲儿了 Well well Yeah yeah We gotta find ourselves a way cause the feeling is long gone 即使温存不在,我们是不是可以再努力一下? Yeah yeah Yeah yeah Everywhere I look I see ya 你的影子萦绕在我眼前 But I can't tell the sky from the ground 使我云里雾里,无法判断方向 Is it me or you who's dragging us down? 是你还是我一直在跌脚拌手? Always fly and leaves me in the middle 你的情绪时上时下,我慌忙不知所措 Try to fly inbetween this mess that we made 只能在混沌中艰难前行 Always fly and leaves me in the middle 你的思维时左时右,我困惑赶不上趟 But I can't find the reasons why 前方一片迷雾,我脑子好乱 While I am in the mess that we made 找不到感情破裂的原因 I didn't think we have a lemon, but it turns outs I was wrong 当你说“我没有生气”时,我不应该信的 Yeah yeah Yeah yeah You packed the bag and said "I quit" 自你离开之后,从分手那一刻开始 But you never left me alone 你的幽灵却从未离开过我 Oh no Well well Everywhere I look I see ya 你的影子萦绕在我眼前 But I can't tell the sky from the ground 使我云里雾里,无法判断方向 Is it me or you who's dragging us down? 是你还是我一直在跌脚拌手? Always fly and leaves me in the middle 你的情绪时上时下,我慌忙不知所措 Try to fly inbetween this mess that we made 只能在混沌中艰难前行 Always fly and leaves me in the middle 你的思维时左时右,我困惑赶不上趟 I can't find the reasons why 前方一片迷雾,我脑子好乱 While I am in this mess that we made 找不到感情破裂的原因 I don't buy the reasons why or what you believe 我尊重你的选择,但你的理由我一点都不信 But it sure feels like you don't believe in me 因为打从一开始你就没有完全信任我 I don't buy the reasons why or what you believe 你的借口,我不想听! na na na na na na na na na~ na na na na na na na na na~ na na na na na na na na na~ na na na na na na na na na~ Always fly and leaves me in the middle 你的情绪时上时下,我慌忙不知所措 Try to fly inbetween this mess that we made 只能在混沌中艰难前行 Always fly and leaves me in the middle 你的思维时左时右,我困惑赶不上趟 I can't find the reasons why 前方一片迷雾,我脑子好乱 While I am in the mess that we made 找不到感情破裂的原因 na na na na na na na na na~ na na na na na na na na na~ lying in this mess that we made 这段感情到底该怎么收场 na na na na na na na na na~ na na na na na na na na na~ lying in this mess that we made 我们之间是否就要这样结束