Please could you stop the noise' 可否请你停止叫嚣 I'm trying get some rest. 我需要片刻的安宁 From all the unborn chicken' 仿佛有千万只破壳而出的小鸡 Voices in my head. 在我脑中唧唧喳喳 What's that' 那是什么呀 What's that' 那是什么 When i am king' 到我登基那天 You will be first against the wall 你将会是第一个被斩草除根的对象 With your opinions 你的一切异端邪说 Which is of no consequence at all 将随你一同灰飞烟灭 What's that' 那是什么呀 What's that' 那是什么 Ambition makes you look pretty ugly 是野心让你面目狰狞 Kicking squeeling gucci little piggy 跺着脚发出猪般的嘶叫 You don't remember 你怎么不记得了 You don't remember 你怎么不记得 Why don't you remember my name anymore 你怎么能不记得我的名字? Off with his head man 来人啊,砍下他的脑袋 Off with his head man 砍下他的脑袋 Why won't he remember my name? 你怎么能不记得我的名字? I guess he does 我猜他是… oooohhhhhhhhh oooohhhhhhhhh oooohhhhhhhhh oooohhhhhhhhh rain down 雨点啊 rain down 雨点 Come on rain down on me 来吧,全都落在我的身上 From a great height 从那万里高空 From a great height 从那万里高空 rain down 雨点啊 rain down 雨点 Come on rain down on me 来吧,全都落在我的身上 From a great height 从那万里高空 From a great height 从那万里高空 That's it sir' 够了,大人 You're leaving' 您看够了吗 The crackle of pig skin' 那人被打的皮开肉绽了 The dust and the screaming' 夹杂着满身的灰尘和撕心裂肺的尖叫 The yuppiesworking' 承受着四周目光 The panic' 惶恐 The vomit' 呕吐 The panic' 惶恐 The vomit' 呕吐 God loves his children' 上帝爱他的子民 God loves his children' 上帝爱他的子民 Yeah 阿门