I got a song filled with sh*t for the strong-willed 这首霸气侧漏的歌献给意志顽强的人 When the world gives you a raw deal 当世界待你不公时 Sets you off 'til you scream 将你击溃直到你仰天长啸 Piss off 破口大骂 Screw you 去你的 When it talks to you like you don't belong 它无时不刻都在告诉你 你根本不配 Or tells you you're in the wrong field 或者告诉你 你错的有多离谱 When something's in your mitochondrial 仿佛有什么东西在你的骨子里蠢蠢欲动 'Cause it latched on to you like 因为它已经盯上你了就像有人在敲门说 Knock knock let the devil in 开门开门 让邪恶的魔鬼进去 Manevolent as I've ever been head is spinnin' 就如以前恶魔般的我 此刻只觉天旋地转 This medicine's screamin' 仿佛吃的药在大声疾呼 L-l-l-let us in 让让让让我们进去 L-l-l-like a salad bowl Edgar Allan Poe 像是沙拉碗里的生菜(Let us发音与生菜相似) Edgar Allan Poe(创作神秘和恐怖小说而闻名的作家) Bedridden shoulda been dead a long time ago 卧床不起 该不是我们早就已经死了吧 Liquid Tylenol gelatins think my skeleton's meltin' 泰诺药液 明胶 我感觉自己的骨骼好像快融化了 Wicked I get all high when I think I've smelled the scent 疲惫不堪时 一杯卡鲁瓦咖啡酒就让我恢复元气 心情大好 Of elephant manurehell I meant Kahlúa 好像闻到了大象粪便的味道了(黑象牙咖啡是由大象的粪便制成) Screw it to hell with it I went through hell with accelerants 去他的 都去死吧 我全力加速穿过地狱 And blew up my my myself again 又出了事故炸飞了自己 Volkswagen tailspin bucket matches my pale skin 大众车像飞机打着尾旋般坠落 这车的颜色跟我苍白的皮肤很搭 Mayo and went from Hellmann's and being rail thin 想当初我还是那个吃着Hellmann的蛋黄酱 Filet-o-Fish to Scribble Jam Rap Olympics '97 Freaknik 和麦当劳的鱼肉三明治的身形瘦弱的我 凭借97年的说唱大赛一举成名如今成了创作歌手 How can I be down 我有多沉迷其中的呢? Me and Bizarre in Florida 我和Bizarre在佛罗里达州 Proof's room slept on the floor of 'da motel then Proof的房间地板上睡觉 还是汽车旅馆 Dr. Dre said hell yeah Dr. Dre说"hell yeah" And I got his stamp like a postcard word to Mel-Man 我拿到他的合约就像是收到明信片一样开心 给Mel-Man(唱片制片人)带个信 And I know they're gonna hate 明知他们都会嫉妒我 But I don't care I barely can wait 但我不管 我已经迫不及待 To hit them with the snare and the bass 用妙语连珠的暗示和口若悬河的说唱让他们啪啪打脸 Square in the face this f**kin' world better prepare to get laced 那副嘴脸的人 这恶心的世界 最好准备好被勒紧脖子吧 Because they're gonna taste my 因为他们将要尝到我的 Venom 毒液了 I got that adrenaline momentum 我肾上腺素飙升 And I'm not knowin' when I'm 我还全然不知 Ever gonna slow up and I'm 我还想手下留情 Ready to snap any moment I'm 我已准备好反扑了 Thinkin' it's time to go get 'em 我觉得是时候消灭他们了 They ain't gonna know what hit 'em 他们永远也不会知道是谁攻击了他们 W-w-when they get bit with the 他们被咬是因为 Venom 毒液 I got that adrenaline momentum 我肾上腺素飙升 And I'm not knowin' when I'm 我还全然不知 Ever gonna slow up and I'm 我还想手下留情 Ready to snap any moment I'm 我已准备好反扑了 Thinkin' it's time to go get 'em 我觉得是时候消灭他们了 They ain't gonna know what hit 'em 他们永远也不会知道是谁攻击了他们 W-w-when they get bit with the 他们被袭击是因为 I said knock knock let the devil in 我大喊着开门开门 让邪恶的魔鬼进去 Shotgun p-p-pellets in the felt pen 老子我口诛笔伐 Cocked f**k around and catch a hot one 说的你们毫无招架之力 It it's evident I'm not done 很明显 我可不会善罢甘休 V-venomous the thoughts spun 困住你我思想的毒液肆意蔓延 Like a web and you just caught in 'em 像一张网一样困住你不得挣脱 Held against your will like a hubcap or mud flap 得像是轮毂盖以及泥皮瓣一样保护你的意志(will跟wheel同音) Beat strangler attack 免于遭受侵害或是攻击 So this ain't gonna feel like a love tap 这样即便是两车相撞也不至于车毁人亡 Eat painkiller pills f**k up the track 吃点止痛药 去他的赛道(也指音轨) Like what's her name's at the wheel 开车的那个叫什么来着? Danica Patrick 一名女赛车手 Threw the car into reverse at the Indy a nut crashin' 她的车在印第安纳波利斯的赛场上疯狂甩尾转圈 Into ya the back of it just mangled steel 最后变成了一堆废铁 My Mustang and the Jeep Wrangler grill 我的Mustang和Jeep Wrangler的护栏的正前方都被撞毁了 With the front smashed much as my rear fender assassin 就像我的后挡泥板一样 简直是一场谋杀 Slim be a combination of an actual kamikaze and Gandhi 那个曾经瘦弱的我堪称是神风队队员和甘地的结合体 Translation I will probably kill us both 也就是说 我可能在结束绝杀的时候 When I end up backin' into ya 亲手终结这两个我的生命 You ain't gonna be able to tell what the f**k's happenin' to ya 你根本搞不清到底发生了什么 When you're bit with the 而你被咬是因为 Venom adrenaline momentum 我肾上腺素飙升 And I'm not knowin' when I'm 我还全然不知 Ever gonna slow up and I'm 我还想手下留情 Ready to snap any moment I'm 我已准备好反扑了 Thinkin' it's time to go get 'em 我觉得是时候消灭他们了 They ain't gonna know what hit 'em 他们永远也不会知道是谁攻击了他们 W-w-when they get bit with the 他们被咬是因为 Venom 毒液 I got that adrenaline momentum 我肾上腺素飙升 And I'm not knowin' when I'm 我还全然不知 Ever gonna slow up and I'm 我还想手下留情 Ready to snap any moment I'm 我已准备好反扑了 Thinkin' it's time to go get 'em 我觉得是时候消灭他们了 They ain't gonna know what hit 'em 他们永远也不会知道是谁攻击了他们 W-w-when they get bit with the 他们被袭击是因为 I said knock knock let the devil in 我大喊着开门开门 让邪恶的魔鬼进去 Alien E-E-Elliot phone home 就如电影里《E.T.》里经典台词“打电话回家”一样 Ain't no telling when this chokehold 当我用手扼住对方脖颈 他们说不出来话 On this game will end I'm loco 游戏结束时 我成了名副其实的疯子 Became a Symbiote so 身体内的毒液已与我成了共生体的关系 My fangs are in your throat ho 我的獠牙扼住你的咽喉 You're snake-bitten with my 你已被我的毒牙咬伤 Venom 毒液进入你的身体 With the ballpoint pen I'm 一支圆珠笔在手 Gun cocked bump stock double aught buckshot 扣动扳机 碰碰弹 重型铅弹 Tire thumper a garrote tie a couple knots 绞刑具 打几个死结 Fired up and caught fire juggernaut 煽动怒火 街头火拼 还有Juggernaut(漫威动画角色名) Punk rock b***h it's goin' down like Yung Joc 朋克摇滚 比如说唱悍将Yung Joc的《It’s Goin' Down》 'Cause the Doc put me on like sunblock 正因为Dr.Dre 我才这样刀枪不入 Why the f**k not 为什么不呢 You only get one shot 你也只有一次机会 Ate sh*t 'til I can't taste it 多次尝试直到自己毫无感觉 Chased it with straight liquor 一瓶烈酒下肚就不省人事 Then paint thinner then drank 'til I faint 然后兑点“料” 继续喝直到我喝晕 And awake with a headache 醒来时头痛欲裂 And I take anything in rectangular shape 抓起药就都往嘴里吞 Then I wait to face the demons I'm bonded to 我等待着直面与我共生恶魔的那一刻 'Cause they're chasin' me but I'm part of you 因为他们一直要将我活捉 而我早已潜入你的身体 So escapin' me is impossible 所以别妄想逃出我的手掌心 I latch onto you like aparasite 我如寄生虫一样占据着你的身体 And I probably ruined your parents' life 而我就这样摧毁你父母亲的生活 And your childhood too 也毁了你的童年 'Cause if I'm the music that y'all grew up on 因为如果你们从小就耳濡目染我的音乐 I'm responsible for you retarded fools 我的歌曲得对你们这些反应迟钝的傻子们负责 I'm the super villain Dad and Mom was losin' their marbles to 我是那些家长见到就会失去理智的超级大恶棍 You marvel that 你在讶异什么 Eddie Brock is you Eddie Brock(毒液的宿主)就是你 And I'm the suit so call me 而我是那毒液 就呼唤我吧 Venom 毒液 I got that adrenaline momentum 我肾上腺素飙升 And I'm not knowin' when I'm 我还全然不知 Ever gonna slow up and I'm 我还想手下留情 Ready to snap any moment I'm 我已准备好反扑了 Thinkin' it's time to go get 'em 我觉得是时候消灭他们了 They ain't gonna know what hit 'em 他们永远也不会知道是谁攻击了他们 W-w-when they get bit with the 他们被咬是因为 Venom 毒液 I got that adrenaline momentum 我肾上腺素飙升 And I'm not knowin' when I'm 我还全然不知 Ever gonna slow up and I'm 我还想手下留情 Ready to snap any moment I'm 我已准备好反扑了 Thinkin' it's time to go get 'em 我觉得是时候消灭他们了 They ain't gonna know what hit 'em 他们永远也不会知道是谁攻击了他们 W-w-when they get bit with the 他们被袭击是因为