I recall polar days like these by the Zora river 回想起那些极昼的日子 索拉河波光粼粼 Before heading nearby to quench my thirst 我俯下身啜饮冰凉河水 甘洌刺骨的寒意袭来 Writers and few musicians among the local drunk 落魄写手和音乐家厮混在醉醺醺的酒馆 Tentative relief, together blank 能否有一丝解脱 在混沌无序的白夜 So I dream about C.R.E.A.M. tonight 今夜我在梦里与它缠绵 White flag night 白色旗帜在夜晚的寒风里翻卷飞舞 Wicked night 这罪恶的夜 被诅咒的天空 ‘Cause 可能是我 I miss October nights in Parc 我太过想念十月的Prac 那美丽温柔的夜晚 Miss the corner store small talk 想念城市角落里的小店 和那些熟悉的闲聊 Smoke indoors past four 一个人静静吸烟 等待天亮 Come on Jean-Talon 我的Jean-Talon 来到我身边吧 I miss October nights in Parc 我太过想念十月的Prac 那美丽温柔的夜晚 Miss the corner store small talk 想念城市角落里的小店 和那些熟悉的闲聊 Smoke indoors past four 一个人静静吸烟 等待天亮