Welcome to your life 欢迎降临世间 There's no turning back 回头路从不可选 Even while we sleep 即便你我入眠 We will find you 我们仍能察觉 Acting on your best behaviour 你昂起头颅挥洒自如 Turn your back on mother nature 拒绝对自然本原的服从 Everybody wants to rule the world 没人不想让全世界俯首 It's my own design 一切是我的计谋 It's my own remorse 责任由我承受 Help me to decide 请助我抛开踟蹰 Help me make the most 让自由和欢愉 Of freedom and of pleasure 最大程度为人享受 Nothing ever lasts forever 世间万物皆有终结 Everybody wants to rule the world 没人不想让全世界俯首 There's a room where the light won't find you 若得一室容你我匿藏 Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down 执手静待那黑云摧高墙 When they do I'll be right behind you 风雨欲来时我伴你身旁 So glad we've almost made it 大业欲成,怎不昂扬 So sad they had to fade it 终归尘土,怎不神伤 Everybody wants to rule the world 治此天下,何人不想