Come on skinny love just last the year 请继续吧 我这单薄的爱 请捱过这一年吧 Pour a little salt we were never here 撒上盐去让伤口愈合 我们从未如此难堪 My my my my my my my my (此句为痛苦、不知所言之时的嗫嚅 无实意) Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer 呆呆凝视着满地鲜血 和破碎的地板 I tell my love to wreck it all 我告诉我的爱人 请只管毁灭这一切 Cut out all the ropes and let me fall 切断彼此所有纽带 任由我自生自灭 My my my my my my my my Right in the moment this order's tall 但在此瞬间 一刀两断对我如此艰难 I told you to be patient 我曾告诉你要满怀耐心 I told you to be fine 我多么希望你能更好地对待 I told you to be balance 我曾告诉你要公平你我 I told you to be kind 我多么希望你依然满怀善良 In the morning I'll be with you 我会伴你 熬过漫长的黑夜 But it will be a different kind 但你我之间 早已不与往日 I'll be holding all the tickets 这一次换我来对你弃置不顾 And you'll be owning all the fines 而你却依旧要对我笑言安好(ticket and fine象征歌词中双方感情的过错与偿还) Come on skinny love what happened here 来吧 我单薄的爱 现在又是什么状况 Suckle on the hope in lite brassiere 她孱弱的胸部 已成为我唯一渴求的希望(Vernon表示 这句歌词象征着这段感情based on ***) My my my my my my my my Sullen load is full so slow on the split 负重累累的灵魂 如今终于缓慢得以解放 I told you to be patient 我曾告诉你要满怀耐心 I told you to be fine 我多么希望你能更好地对待 I told you to be balance 我曾告诉你要公平你我 I told you to be kind 我多么希望你依然满怀善良 Now all your love is wasted 现在你所有的爱都化为徒劳 Then who the hell was I 而我又应该是什么角色 Now I'm breaking at the britches 感情起伏如同裤脚的针线 And at the end of all your lines 在你的最后一条细线处分崩离析 Who will love you 除了我还有谁会爱你 Who will fight 与你煎熬到最后一刻 Who will fall far behind 在分离之后坠入深渊 Come on skinny love 请继续吧 我这单薄的爱 My my my - my my my - my my my - my my ..