Told them your dreams 对他人分享你的梦想 And they all started laughing 他们纷纷哄笑奚落 I guess you're out of your mind 我猜你大概也觉得自己异想天开 'Til it actually happens 直到梦想成真 I'm the small town 我卓尔不群 One in seven billion 七十亿分之一 Why can't it be me 怎么就不能是我 They told me I was out there 他们肆无忌惮 Tried to knock me down 试图将我击垮 Took those sticks and stones 对我展开枪林弹雨的抨击 Showed 'em I could build a house 我要向世人证明我能独树一帜 They tell me that I'm crazy 他们对我说我不可理喻 But I'll never let 'em change me 但我永远不会被人左右 'Til they cover me in daisies daisies daisies 直到我被雏菊淹没簇拥 They said I'm going nowhere 他们曾对我说别妄图出人头地 Tried to count me out 想把我淘汰出局 Took those sticks and stones 对我展开枪林弹雨的抨击 Showed 'em I could build a house 我要向世人证明我能独树一帜 They tell me that I'm crazy 他们对我说我不可理喻 But I'll never let 'em change me 但我永远不会被人左右 'Til they cover me in daisies daisies daisies 直到我被雏菊淹没簇拥 When did we all stop believing in magic 从何时起人们不再相信奇迹 Why did we put all our hopes in a box in the attic 为什么我们把希望束之高阁 I'm the long shot 我就是要孤注一掷 I'm the Hail Mary 为我祝福 Why can't it be me 怎么就不能是我 They told me I was out there 他们肆无忌惮 Tried to knock me down 试图将我击垮 Took those sticks and stones 对我展开枪林弹雨的抨击 Showed 'em I could build a house 我要向世人证明我能独树一帜 They tell me that I'm crazy 他们对我说我不可理喻 But I'll never let 'em change me 但我永远不会被人左右 'Til they cover me in daisies daisies daisies 直到我被雏菊淹没簇拥 They said I'm going nowhere 他们曾对我说别妄图出人头地 Tried to count me out 想把我淘汰出局 Took those sticks and stones 对我展开枪林弹雨的抨击 Showed 'em I could build a house 我要向世人证明我能独树一帜 They tell me that I'm crazy 他们对我说我不可理喻 But I'll never let 'em change me 但我永远不会被人左右 'Til they cover me in daisies daisies daisies 直到我被雏菊淹没簇拥 When did we all stop believing 从何时起人们不再相信奇迹 When did we all stop 从何时起人们不再 When did we all stop believing 从何时起人们不再相信奇迹 When did we all stop 从何时起人们不再 Cause I'm the small town 我卓尔不群 One in seven billion 七十亿分之一 Why can't it be me 怎么就不能是我 Oh me Oh me 是我 是我 They said I'm going nowhere 他们曾对我说别妄图出人头地 Tried to count me out 想把我淘汰出局 Took those sticks and stones 对我展开枪林弹雨的抨击 Showed 'em I could build a house 我要向世人证明我能独树一帜 They tell me that I'm crazy 他们对我说我不可理喻 But I'll never let 'em change me 但我永远不会被人左右 'Til they cover me in daisies daisies daisies 直到我被雏菊淹没簇拥