You had your run 你开始了自己的一生 It's been a good one 那已成为段美好的回忆 Seems like the world is passing you by 似白驹过隙 Oh Father Time 时光老人啊 He just keeps on ticking 只是不断流逝 Still got a lot of life and a song to sing 青年时代 你白日放歌 You fell in love 陷入爱河 Back in the day 回想当年 Can't forget her face 岁月不会模糊她的脸庞 Can't remember her name 可你已说不出她的名姓 She was a beauty 那是个美人 A shining star 是颗闪亮的星 Just when you weren't looking she broke your heart 可所有美好 都归于心碎 You been down every highway 你放纵自我 公路流浪 Burned your share of bridges 醉生梦死 破釜沉舟 You found forgiveness 最终时光抚平了伤 You think that you're still a young bull rider 你以为 你还是那个年轻的牛仔 until you look in the mirror and see an old timer 可你望着镜子 只看到自己形容枯槁 One by one 知己兄弟接连离世 Your friends have crossed over 你还记得神父一遍遍画的十字 You pray for mercy and a few more days 你祈求时间的怜悯 祈求多活几天 Still got dreams inside your head 守着头脑里 仍存的梦想 Someday it's a struggle just to get out of bed 终有一日 你会卧病在床 行将就木 You been down every highway 想起旧时 你放纵自我 公路流浪 Burned your share of bridges 醉生梦死 破釜沉舟 You found forgiveness 最终时光抚平了伤 You think that you're still a young bull rider 你以为 你还是那个年轻的牛仔 until you look in the mirror and see an old timer 可你望着镜子 只看到自己形容枯槁 Old timer 行将就木