Woke up on the floor 在地板上苏醒 Oh, this plastic bed don't blow up no more 因为塑料制的床榻不再有弹性 In this broken home 在这一片狼藉的家中 Everyone becomes predictable 每个人都变的乏味无趣 Oh, sometimes you're angry 有时你会迁怒于我 Sometimes you're hurting 有时你很受伤 Sometimes you're all alone 有时你孑然一身 Sometimes I'm anxious 有时我焦虑不安 Sometimes it makes me feel like there's only now 有时这一切让我觉得 只有这一刻 I've been living at my lowest, it's safe to say 现在我可以坦然承认 我度过了我的低谷期 Hope my little bit of hope don't fade away 只愿我心中尚存的一丝愿望不曾消逝 I've been living on an island made from faith 我居住于信仰缔造的岛屿 Can't go running back to home 无法再回到曾经的归宿 I can't face her face 我不忍面对她的面庞 Finally grown 终于长大成人 Ain't nothing like I hoped it would be 一切却事与愿违 Out on my own 独自在外打拼 I'm floating in an ocean-less sea 翱翔在干涸的海洋上 Could I be wrong? 我又有什么错呢 Was everybody right about me? 难道每个人对我的指责就是正确的吗 Scary things in my head 脑中恐怖的思绪 I can't dream, man I just 令我无法生出梦想 Woke up on the floor 在地板上苏醒 Oh, this plastic bed don't blow up no more 因为塑料制的床榻不再有弹性 In this broken home 在这一片狼藉的家中 Everyone becomes predictable 每个人都变的乏味无趣 Oh, sometimes you're angry 有时你会迁怒于我 Sometimes you're hurting 有时你很受伤 Sometimes you're all alone 有时你孑然一身 Sometimes I'm anxious 有时我焦虑不安 Sometimes it makes me feel like there's only now 有时这一切让我觉得 只有这一刻 I've been living at my lowest, it's safe to say 现在我可以坦然承认 我度过了我的低谷期 Hope my little bit of hope don't fade away 只愿我心中尚存的一丝愿望不曾消逝 I've been living on an island made from faith 我居住于信仰缔造的岛屿 Can't go running back to home 无法再回到曾经的归宿 I can't face her face 我不忍面对她的面庞