Vanguard Sound / 赛博传媒-2064 / GhostFinal / Kinoko蘑菇 - Earliest flowers of future bloom through twilight 未来之花于暮光之中绽放 The train leaves away from a long tunnel of death 列车缓缓驶离幽深的死亡之隧 Who’s paying the freight 谁为此付出了代价 Who else knows wrong or right 亦有谁知何为善恶 We are gonna be alright alright 我们定会安然无恙 A bell’s ringing to cast a chill 钟声响起,令人战栗 A whistle blows in a trill 听那颤抖中吹响的汽笛 The iron snake glides upon a cold rail 钢铁之蛇在冰冷的铁轨上缓缓蠕动 Beyond the veil, ending the tale 面纱之下,尾声将近 Can we fire our guns to pen the sonnet? 我们能否以枪声谱写诗篇? Cartridges would be ejected and reloaded 弹匣弹出,又重新装填 Just like our fate, would be refreshed in codes 正如我们的命运一般,将在行行代码间被不断刷新 Live a good mode 完美地运行着 Earliest flowers of future bloom through twilight 未来之花于暮光之中绽放 The train leaves away from a long tunnel of death 列车驶离幽深的死亡之隧 Who’s paid the freight 谁为此付出了代价 Who else knows wrong or right 亦有谁知何为善恶 We are gonna be alright alright 我们定会安然无恙 Wheels rotate like gears in chains 车轮滚转,如链条中的齿轮 Free hearts from dormant pain 将心灵从沉睡的痛苦中唤醒 Towards unknown cities chronologically 逐次奔赴未知的城市 We’re gorging ourselves on the bane 我们贪婪地吞噬着剧毒 Can a bomb spark the night as a firework? 炸弹能如烟花一般点亮夜空吗? Blood on the walls are going stale 墙上的血迹逐渐凝固变暗 Grapple with echoes of ghost addicts most 与幽灵纠缠是如此令人沉醉 Go back the silent world 回到这寂寥的世界吧 Earliest flowers of future bloom through twilight 未来之花于暮光之中绽放 The train leaves away from a long tunnel of death 列车驶离幽深的死亡之隧 Who’s paying the freight 谁为此付出了代价 Who else knows wrong or right 亦有谁知何为善恶 We are gonna be alright alright 我们定会安然无恙 Transcontinental stories never end 横跨大陆的篇章永远不完结 Rains from the sky descend like the pikes 如长矛般的雨水刺向大地 We trust neither forethought nor hindsight 先见之明虚无缥缈,后见之明亦不可信 When the train stops we just say goodbye 当列车停驻,我们便分道扬镳 Heading straight to the world of bright 奔向那璀璨耀眼的新世界