Crownless again shall be the queen 王后再次战败 Trophy on her grave remains unseen 她的遗骸平凡无异 A boat on the river confessing the sins 在死亡之河上摆渡的船只里,忏悔着自己的罪孽 The riddler revealing the deep hidden things 隐藏深处的真相即将被揭露 Crownless again shall be the king 国王再次战败 A gull covered in oil with a broken wing 犹如一只全身沾满油污的折翼海鸥 A hitcher on a road alone and lost 一个带着脚镣的人在路上孤独的行走,迷失了方向 Iron sharpens iron a truth that once was 铁磨铁,越磨越锋利,这曾是一个真理 Mine is the earth and the sword in the stone 我则怀着对王座的崇拜 Mine is the thrown for the idol 用这石中之剑夺得了这片大地 One fleeting moment and it is all gone 然而这种成就感转瞬即逝 Crownless again 再次战败 Will I fall 我会倒下吗? Roaming on razor sharp castles 在锋利高耸的城堡上徘徊 Ruling all but myself 统治了一切,却无法战胜自己 now my night is laid to sleep 现在的我彻夜难眠 One fragrant rose worth ten times what I am 一朵馥郁的玫瑰都值得我付出十倍多的努力 A criplle begging a coin braver I ever was 一个瘸子乞求一枚硬币都比我要勇敢 Reflection from me devil dressed in white 我相比之下,我就像个披着纯洁外衣的魔鬼 Chasten the being 磨练品质 Become what I once was 变回原来的我 Mine is the earth 我的世界