Well time she did as time she does 时间女神掌管她的神职 She passed along her way 她独来独往 And dawn she crept like a frightened girl 而黎明像个受惊般的小女生 Out from the night time’s sway 蹑手蹑脚地逃离黑夜统治的领域 But in the merry month of May 此间正值五月逍遥快活之际 A solemn fact does lurk 一件圣神的事物孕育而生 For Spring it sprang as Spring it does 便是春天如期而至 And put the bees to work 敦促蜜蜂们劳作 And work they must 催促他们劳作 And work they shall 尽可能地劳作 For all the things to grow 为了万物之生长 For if they don’t as time she knows 否则时间女神得知后 They’d wither on the bough 将惩罚万物凋零 And what a shame such things would be 这可多羞愧啊 No wondrous wine for you and me 我们因此失去了葡萄美酒 No cider too, nor mead nor soup 更谈不上苹果酒、蜂蜜或者浓汤 For us to all make merry 所以大家都要努力向上勤勤恳恳 So rot, ferment and decompose 避免事物生锈发霉腐烂 So all the things can grow 那么万物得以生长 Or wallow in a drinkless world 否则混沌虚无 And wither on the bough 万物枯萎 Oh what a dusty burden 幸亏如今忙碌得幸福 That nectar and that pollen 看那些花蜜和花粉 Like Atlas with the heavens 就像标记着天堂的地图 On the back of his head 突然有另一种想法 And what if they should falter 如若大家浑浑噩噩 And shrug their little shoulders? 事物又将怎样发展? Well time she’d pass all the same 无论如何,时间女神都会继续独自前行